Mariana Knea - Director of Student Services

I have been with St. Peter since 1999. I earned a B.A. from Concordia University, River Forest, Illinois; completed coursework on differentiation from the University of Missouri; participate in ongoing professional development/training on assessment systems - NWEA MAP, Fastbridge, as well as best practices in differentiated learning. I have taught in Lutheran schools for 27 years with experience teaching k-8 in whole classes, small groups, and resource/enrichment formats. I currently coordinate K-8 benchmark assessments, intervention and progress monitoring needs, guide differentiation resources and strategies, lead a weekly differentiated WIN (What I Need) Time for grades 1 - 5, and teach a weekly thinking skills/technology class to K-5 classrooms.

I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where I attended a Lutheran grade school and high school. I have lived in Illinois since attending Concordia University in River Forest, Illinois. I have one son who is an alum of St. Peter and currently finishing his degree in Cyber Physical Systems Engineering at DePaul University in Chicago. My interests include cooking/baking, logic puzzles, listening to music/books, photography, and Zoom family bingo nights!

St. Peter is a family deeply rooted in God's grace and love. The children learn to value the unique qualities and talents God has blessed them with and how to use them to serve others and glorify Him. We strive to build capable, confident, Christ-filled individuals who live a life full of hope and service.