What is Variable Tuition?
Variable Tuition is a tuition program that allows families to pay what they can reasonably afford to attend St. Peter. With Variable Tuition, each family pays a rate of tuition that fits their unique financial situation. This program is for families with at least one student in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Variable Tuition makes a St. Peter education affordable to many students and families who could not otherwise join our school community.
How Does Variable Tuition Work?
Any family (current or new) of a Kindergarten through 8th grade student may apply for Variable Tuition if they feel they may not be able to afford the full tuition rate at St. Peter. The factors considered when determining the tuition amount a family is able to pay include income and the size of the family. The goal is that each family is asked to pay what they can reasonably afford.
Applications are submitted directly to FACTS Management, a third-party agency. FACTS evaluates the application and makes a recommendation to the school’s Variable Tuition Committee. Families are notified of the tuition level for which they qualify from the school’s financial office.
What if I have a financial circumstance not reflected in my Variable Tuition application?
If you have a unique or special circumstance (medical bills, caring for an aging parent, etc.) that affects your ability to pay the Variable Tuition amount awarded, please complete and follow the instructions on the Additional Information Form.
What kind of economic situation is typical of a family who qualifies for Variable Tuition?
A wide range of families with a variety of circumstances qualify for the program, from those who are able to pay close to full tuition amount to those who are able to pay a smaller percentage of the full tuition amount. Various factors are evaluated, including income, unusual expenses, and the size of the family.
When do I need to complete the Variable Tuition Application by?
To ensure enrollment for the 2024/2025 school year, we highly encourage you to complete the process by May 31st, 2024.
Should every new or returning St. Peter family submit an application for Variable Tuition?
No. Only families who feel that they may not be able to pay the full tuition amount should submit an application.
Do I need to apply to St. Peter to receive confirmation of my Variable Tuition?
Yes, families may apply for Variable Tuition only after they have applied for re-enrollment or admission to the school.
Upon completion of my Variable Tuition application, when will I receive confirmation of my Variable Tuition?
Typically within 2 weeks of providing all the required information to our confidential third-party service.
What is the cost to apply for Variable Tuition?
Each family pays a $35 application fee to FACTS. This fee is per family and not per student. Families whose income level is under a certain amount will have the fee waived.
Do I need to apply for Variable Tuition every year?
Yes. A new application must be submitted every year.
If I do not qualify for the program this year, can I apply again next year?
Yes. A family that does not qualify is welcome to reapply the following year.
Are some families awarded full tuition?
No. Every family is required to make a financial investment in their child’s education. Our commitment to providing Variable Tuition means that we are sharing in that investment with you.
Is there a minimum tuition amount required for each family?
Yes, each family will be asked to make a minimum contribution to share in the commitment to high-quality Christ-centered education.
Does Variable Tuition factor in multiple students attending St. Peter?
Multiple students are one of the key factors in determining Variable Tuition. One of the important questions asked on the confidential Variable Tuition application relates to family size and number of students enrolled at St. Peter. The Variable Tuition amount is what the family as a whole will be asked to pay. Families paying the full tuition amount will continue to receive the multiple child discounts.
Are there still different Member and Community rates?
Variable Tuition does not have different rates for Church Members or Community members. Those families paying the full tuition amount will still have Member and Community rates.