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Saints Update 3/21/25

Happy Vernal Equinox, St. Peter Families. I’m not sure if you also celebrated the start of Spring with a snow shovel in your hand, but such is springtime in Chicago. We are entering a season of endings and beginnings, and, for a multitude of reasons, this is one of my favorite seasons.  

  • March Madness: This is quite possibly my favorite sporting event of the entire year. I don’t necessarily have a team I always cheer for, but I love to pay attention to the underdog story(ies) and root them on against teams they really have no business beating 

  • “Warmer” Weather: Sure, we tend to keep the mittens around until June, but the frequency of God blessing us with warmer days continues to increase and we see signs of hope that winter will be gone soon.

  • Baseball Season: The start of baseball is upon us and even though the Cubs forgot to “play” baseball on their short trip to Japan, I’m looking forward to engaging in this season more so with my boys than in years past. The beginning of this season also refers to the start of coaching youth baseball.  

  • Spring Break: No, this year the Goffrons are not traveling anywhere, but we do look forward to some slower pace time and possibly some opportunities to enjoy warmer weather outside as a family. Rest is crucial to our health and well-being…..and God actually built it into His schedule of creation.  

You may or may not look forward to the same things I've listed above, but a point of higher certainty is that when we return back from Break, the last two months are going to go by in the blink of an eye. Have a blessed Spring Break -  may you and your family prioritize time together and be intentional about time in worship as we look forward to Holy Week.


March 24 - 28 - Spring Break

March 24 - Summer Camp Registration opens

March 27 - Chuck E. Cheese Dine/Play and Donate

April 3 - Spring Sports Pictures

April 4 - Spring Dance

April 11 - Grandparents Day, Dismissal at 11:00 PS-8th

April 11-12 - School Musical Performances “Little Mermaid, Jr.”

Click HERE for the full calendar

Please take a moment to browse the Lost and Found at Bartz Hall entrance. All items will be donated after Spring Break! Find those lost water bottles, hats, and sweatshirts!
Read the Q3 Oracle!
All lunch orders must be placed by Thursday 7:00 pm of the prior week.
All forms for the weeks of Mar 31-Apr 4, and Apr 7-10 will close on 3/27 at 7:00 pm due to Spring Break with NO late orders being accepted. 
ALA CARTE MAR 31 - Apr 4
35 high school students and adult chaperones will be attending this triannual event. The group would love your prayer and financial support in attending this event. Could you or your business help sponsor us to cover some of the costs for our meals, t-shirts, and other expenses? If the answer is yes, please contact Steve Heick at or Kristin Drake at Mark your calendar for a BINGO! Fundraising event on Friday, April 25.
The rainy season is here and the American Heritage Girls (AHG) are having their annual flower sale. Our 10-inch hanging baskets make a wonderful Mother's Day gift! We have and still are using the same high-quality supplier. Take a look at the available items in this Flower Order Form for more details.  Can't decide what to get? Have a peek at these Flower Photos. Order forms and payment are due Friday, April 11th and delivery day is Friday, May 9th. Thank you for supporting our young women. Enjoy your flowers!
KidMin Corner
The snow this past weekend didn't slow us down at all! We had a blast learning how to be more like Jesus! Preschool hauled in a huge catch of some very colorful fish as they heard about yet another miracle of Jesus. Talk about it this week: While on the go, look for powerful things. Anything that has power qualifies, even your preschooler’s big powerful muscles! Then say: “I know Someone who is more powerful than all of these things. Jesus! Jesus is so powerful, Jesus can do anything!”

Elementary had to work together just like the four men who brought a friend to Jesus. We used our cooperation skills to play human foosball before talking about to whom we can bring Jesus this week. Talk about it at home. Ask these questions as family: If you could help with one need in the world, what would it be? Who has helped you when you needed something? How can our family help someone who is in need?

As a reminder, St. Peter KIDS will be taking a spring break this Sunday, March 23, but will return as usual on March 30 to wrap up our month. Hope to see you there!
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Mission: Leading People To A Full Life In Christ
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10


Vision: Seeing Lives And Communities Transformed As We Become More Like Jesus
And we all… are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

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