Our middle school is developmentally appropriate as we offer social, emotional, and metacognitive growth opportunities which bridge the transition from elementary to middle school and focuses on the unique needs of adolescence:
Small learning communities
A safe, Christian climate
Positive adult role models
Expressive Fine Arts programs (Band, Choir, Musical Theater, Spanish)
Science Fair opportunities
Interdisciplinary educational experiences
Competitive athletic programs (contact with local public schools and Lutheran schools)
Leveled math instruction which includes project-based concept applications in algebra and geometry in preparation for high level math placement in high school
Rigorous academics that focus on collaborative learning, which is project-based, discussion-based, and faith-based
St. Peter students are placed into Honors and Advanced Placement classes in high school
Our team of teachers cycles with students for 3 years ensuring consistency of instruction, content retention, and meaningful connections
1:1 iPad usage with daily exposure to Schoology and other applications (Google, Notability, Socrative, Desmos) which are used in area high schools
Leadership opportunities in various student organizations like Student Council, school newspaper, National Junior Honor Society, and the annual spring musical
Maker's Space technology lab where students use modern machinery (3D printing, laser cutters, etc.) to explore, create, and invest in unique and purposeful learning projects
Weekly huddle groups allow for connections with staff
Electives offered include art, band, choir, musical theater, and Spanish
2020 8th grade PSAT8 results:
St. Peter students scored higher than District 214 schools in ALL TEST AREAS.
How did we compare
to public schools
last school year?
Our students:
Completed District 25 yearly objectives in the 3rd Quarter of our school year.
Learn on the same Learning Management System as all District 214 High Schools
Students scoring in the 63rd percentile at St. Peter are in the 85th percentile of students in D214 sending schools and are in the 93rd percentile of students nationally.
Cross-tests comparisons for the average District 214 sending student vs. the average St. Peter student: Our students scored four points higher in science, 2 points higher in ELA, and 1 point higher in math.
St. Peter implemented end-of-the-year benchmarks in the spring of 2020 to ensure appropriate progress was made to fulfill objective mastery components at each grade level. As a universal baseline measure, St. Peter used District 25’s yearly objectives as the foundation to write the assessments. Every student in the school passed these benchmarks and many excelled, demonstrating exemplary academic growth. These results are attributed to the qualified and dedicated staff, God-gifted student body, and tremendous parent involvement of our St. Peter community.
“St. Peter has been a huge blessing to our family. I have found a home, a loving community church, people I can depend on who LOVE my son and give him a great education and have taught him to follow Jesus.”